Library services are online, spaces are closed until further notice.
All library services which can be supported remotely are offered as online only. In-person services are suspended until further notice.
Library spaces on the New York campus are closed.
Loans Extended Until September 8, Fines Waived All due dates for NYU Libraries materials, ILL, or E-ZBorrow loans are extended until September 8th. Includes Bobst, AFC, Brause, Courant, Dibner, IFA, and ISAW materials. Check our blog post for full details.
NYU Returns for the Libraries Please visit the NYU Returns page on the library website to learn more about the in-person and delivery services available starting September 2nd.
Building access restricted starting the morning of Weds. March 11, 2020
Due to University decisions regarding visitors to NYU, and the need for social distancing during the COVID-19 disruption, we are limiting physical access to all NYU Libraries to current NYU students, faculty, and staff only.
Access will be restricted starting the morning of March 11 until at least the end of March. The Library Privileges desk will be closed.
We are not able to allow access for Consortium members, MaRLI members, Friends of Bobst, Columbia, and all other non-NYU cardholders. If these users need access to our collections, please suggest they place a request through their affiliated interlibrary loan service.